
David Gehrt is a Danish Set and Costume Designer. He holds a bachelor in textile Design from Kolding School of Design (2012) and have studied scenography at the Danish National School of Performing Arts (2016).

His work derives from a strong interest in the notion of space/place, where physical and visual phenomenon can unfold and communicate with its surroundings. Design filled with presence, concentration and sensation. Spaces designed for the viewer to enter and be absorbed by specific times and ambiences. 

David Gehrts designs strive to push the perception of the viewer to an extent where one surrenders to the conventions of the theatrical space. He believes that art should be an inclusive practice, both for the maker/doer and a presumed audience. Inclusion seen both as socio-political statement and an interacting drive between stage and auditorium. In his generative processes; texture, colour and composition of body and object, plays great importance in order to resonate action/text/movement as an equal counterpart in the total work.

To create work of a 360 degree magnitude David pushes for collaborative processes with reactivity and dialogue always present between all involved in the creative process.

Award Seasons

Nomineret for Ordet, Aarhus Teater

Reumert, 2020

Nomineret for bedst scenedesign - Ordet, Aarhus Teater

Reumert, 2020

Vinder af årets forestilling - Ordet, Aarhus Teater


For scenografi og kostume til Erasmus Montanus

Reumert, 2017

Vinder af bedst scenedesign - Erasmus Montanus, Aarhus Teater og S/H

Reumert, 2017

Vinder af årets forestilling - Erasmus Montanus, Aarhus Teater og S/H